Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Why do I find it so much easier to be God's hands or feet, but it is so difficult to be His mouth? Is it because I worry about messing it up? Is it because actions speak louder than words? I think that is what I do to justify it to myself, but maybe it is just a cop-out. Maybe I care too much about what others will think about me. Maybe because I don't know how to articulate what I believe or why I believe it's true. Maybe I am just self conscious of looking dumb, or worse making God look dumb. Maybe I pass it off like "there are lots of parts to the body, so we don't need another mouth". Although I'm sure I'd love for it to be a legit reason, I'm probably just scared. I mean God can use it, right? I can't screw it up 'that' bad, right? But maybe I'll still leave it to those "mouths" out there.

So many emotions already and we were only on campus for the evening. The first blessing I wanted to acknowledge was the fact that the two buses ended up filling up before we arrived so we had to take the plane. Although we had to wait around for it, I am much appreciative that we did not have a 8-12 HOUR bud ride that we needed to endure. After the plane trip we were greeted by Jacque and all of our luggage had made it (even the carry on that Bonney was forced to check in Miami). We were able to fit (with another 18 people) in the back of the truck and make it to the St. Louis campus. Yes, my butt hurts, yes, there were lots of BUMPBS along the way - but we made it, and we made it safely. I have to say I have mixed feelings about how we were received on the truck ride to the campus, but I guess more on that later (seeing as the lights are now out and we are going to be listening to the rain coming down outside) - what an awesome way to end out first day :). We are blessed beyond belief.

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